Lai street 23, Tallinn
Ventilation systems
J.Sütiste tee 19, Tallinn
Cooling system

Tartu mnt 80D, 80E, 80F, 82, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems
Allika 1, Keila
General contracting
Kullava tee 4, Kolga, Kuusalu vald, Harjumaa
General contracting
Randvere tee 20, Haabneeme, Viimsi Vald, Harjumaa
Heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage-, cooling systems
Ümera 46, Tallinn
Tööstuse 54a, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems

Tartu mnt 80, Tallinn

Vesse põik 17/2, Tallinn
General contracting
Jaama 8, Keila
General contracting
Tartu mnt 80 d, e, f ja 82, Tallinn

Pärnu mnt 31, Tallinn
Cooling systems

A. H. Tammsaare tee 92, Tallinn
Tondi 33, Tallinn
Heating, ventilation, cooling, water supply and sewerage systems

Veskiposti 1, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling, heating, water supply sewerage systems
Hooldekodu tee 2, Tallinn
General constructing

Suur-Jõe tn.57, Pärnu
Ventilation and cooling systems
Tagala 10, Tallinn
Heating system
Tallinna mnt 10/10b, Saku
Ventilation and cooling systems
Kadaka tee 155, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems
Merelahe tee 4, Tallinn
General constructing
Liikuri 41, Tallinn
Heating, ventilation and automatics
Jaama 8, Keila
Ventialtion and sewerage system
Hooldekodu tee 2, Tallinn
General construction

Tatari 13, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating, cooling, water supply and sewerage systems

Vana-Narva mnt 28a, Maardu
General constructing
Uus-Sadama 11, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems

Peterburi tee 2, Tallinn
General construction and ventilation system
Filmi 5, Filmi 7 ja Tuukri 64, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems
Kuuseheki 50, Saue
Ventilation and heating systems
Kolu küla, Kose vald
Kadaka tee 153, Tallinn
Gym and assembly hall renovation

Vana-Narva mnt 28a, Maardu
Kadaka tee 187, Tallinn
Heating and ventilation
Narva mnt 7b, Tallinn
Heating, ventlation and cooling systems

Mustakivi 17, Tallinn
Water supply and sewerage systems

Mustakivi 25, Tallinn
Heating system
Vasara 8, Keila
Lubja tee 23, Viimsi
Ventilation system
Nurmesalu 9, Saue
Ventilation system
Liikuri 41, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating and automatics
Pae 37 / Võidujooksu 18, Tallinn
Basement construction
Kadaka tee 153, Tallinn
C-house reconstruction

Asula 11, Tallinn
Facade repair

Ahtri 9, Tallinn
Cooling and heating systems

Loovälja tee 11, Harjumaa
Ventilation, cooling, water supply and sewerage systems
Türi 10, Tallinn
Ventilation system

Kopli 1, Tallinn
Heating system
Alvari 18, Tallinn
Heating and ventilation systems

Kooli tee 12, Paikuse
Ventilation, heating and electronic system
Kreutzwaldi 14, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating and cooling systems

Paldiski mnt 68, Tallinn
General constructing
Kalmistu tee 26E, Tallinn
Ventilation systems
Liikuri 41C, Tallinn
Heating and ventilation system
Kivimäe 32, Tallinn
Ventilation systems
Rõugu 2 ja Pikaliiva 92, Tallinn
Ventilation systems
Kadaka tee 153, Tallinn
Roof and facade repairs
Mere pst 8, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating, sewerage, water supply and cooling systems
Hooldekodu tee 2, Tallinn
General constructing
Kiriku 2/4, Tallinn
Liikuri 41B, Tallinn
Heating and ventilation systems
Hooldekodu tee 2, Tallinn
General constructing
Väike-Sõjamäe 1, Tallinn
Electricity, ventilation and gas supply systems

Keemikute tee 37, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating, sewerage, water supply and cooling systems
Räpina mnt 20a/20b, Võru
Water supply, fire water, sewerage and rain water systems

Tervise tn 28, Tallinn
Ventilation system
Narva raudteejaam
Staadioni 4, Tallinn
Ventilation system
Varre 1, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating, sewerage, water supply and cooling systems

Tehnika 26, Tallinn
General constructing

Pärnu mnt 139C, Tallinn

Paldiski mnt 68, Tallinn
Cooling system
Meeliku 21, Tallinn
Ventilation system
Lelle 24, Tallinn
Water supply and sewerage systems
Kadaka tee 153, Tallinn
Heating system and renovation
Pargi tee 2, Viimsi
Ventilation system
Aasa tee 3, Loo
Ventilation system
Marsi 3, Tallinn
Ventilation system
Varre 1, Tallinn
Heating, water supply, ventilation, sewerage, rain water, cooling and gas systems
Siidisaba 10, Tallinn
Heating and ventilation systems
Tööstuse 48, Tallinn
Cooling system
Paldiski mnt 26, Tallinn
General constructing
Lossi 15, Tartu
Ventilationi and cooling systems
Loomäe tee 6, Rae vald, Harjumaa
Ventilation and cooling systems
Hommiku pst 31, Tapa
Preparation of ventilation and heating system reconstruction project and system reconstruction
Vaksali 14, Narva
Planning and construction contract
Pronksi 11, Tallinn
Mereranna tee 4, Viimsi
Ventilation system
Paldiski mnt 5/7, Tallinn
Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Balti raudteejaam, Tallinn
Vibu 5, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Betooni 14, Tallinn

Pärnu mnt 139C, Tallinn
Ventilation system
Liikuri 41, Tallinn
Heating and ventilation systems
Tehnika 26, Tallinn
General constructing
Auvere, Ida-Virumaa
Sewerage and rain water systems
Vibu 14, 16 ja 18, Tallinn
Heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems
Hommiku pst 31, Tapa
General constructing
Hommiku pst 31, Tapa
Renovation of ventilation system
Kullava tee 1, Kolga, Kuusalu vald
Renovation of apartments building
Aruküla tee 3, Kostivere, Harjumaa
Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Pae 2, Jõgeva
Heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Võidujooksu 1, Tallinn
Ventilation, gas boiler house, indoor and outdoor gas systems
Hariduse 2, Kose, Harjumaa
Water supply and sewerage systems
Säre tee 3, Rae vald, Harjumaa
Ventilation and cooling systems
Kadaka tee 76D, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Vikerlase 14, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems
Pärnu mnt 27, Märjamaa
Renovation of the building
Meeliku 23/2, Tallinn
Õismäe tee 110, Tallinn
Water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems
Mereranna tee 4, Haabneeme, Harjumaa
Timuti 24, Tallinn
Heating, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems
Vana-Vigala küla, Vigala vald, Raplamaa
Raekoja plats 2, Narva
Heating, water supply, sewerage systems
Karulaugu 9, Viimsi
Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Teaduspargi 8, Tallinn
Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere, Tartumaa
Ventilation and cooling systems
Vana-Vigala, Vigala vald, Raplamaa
Läike tee 1, Rae vald, Harjumaa
Ventilation and automatics
Auvere küla, Vaivara vald, Ida-Virumaa
Heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Kadaka tee 153, Tallinn
Renovation of facades
Liivalaia 40, Tallinn
Paldiski mnt 28F, Keila
General constructing, ventilation and automatics
Koidula, Värska vald
Locomotive turning circle and gas station design-construction contract
Muuga raudteejaam, Jõelähtme vald, Harjumaa
Uus-Kalamaja 10, Tallinn
Pärnu mnt 556A, Laagri, Saue vald, Harjumaa
Water supply and sewerage systems
Jakobi 2, Tartu
Meeliku 23/3, Tallinn
Kadaka tee 153, Tallinn
Roof constructing
Betooni põik 12, Rae vald, Harjumaa
General constructing, electricity
Toom-Kooli 11 Tallinn
Renovation of heating systems
Tallinna 46, Paide
Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Niidupargi 8/12, Pärnu
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Laeva, Tartumaa
Heating system
Heating, water supply, cooling, sewerage systems
Lemmetsa küla, Audru vald, Pärnumaa
Ventilation and automatics
Palivere, Läänemaa
Ülemiste raudteejaam, Tallinn
Ülemiste raudteejaam, Tallinn
Designing and constructing of ventilation systems
Koidu 97, Tallinn
Ventilation and sewerage systems
Raadiku 8b-1, Tallinn
Pargi 4, Rõuge
Heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage system
Design and construction of outdoor air systems for the wagon industry
Ülemiste, Tallinn
Railway overhaul
Pargi 12, Tapa
Ventilation and automatics
Tähesaju tee 8, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Pallasti 19, Tallinn
Designing and constructing ventilation systems
Reola küla, Ülenurme vald, Tartumaa
Heating, water supply and sewerage systems
Tallinna mnt 40, Pärnu
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Vabaduse väljak, Tallinn
Paldiski mnt 62, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Sütiste tee 42, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Juhkentali 36, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Lasnamäe tn 2, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Lai 39/41, Tallinn
Design and construction of ventilation system
Raadiku 8B/2, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Sakala 1, Tallinn
Ventilation (2.stage)
Kauge 4 ja Paljassaare tee 35, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Kaunase pst 22, Tartu
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Sakala 1, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling systems (1.stage)
Tammsaare tee 49, Tallinn
Valdmäe 5, Tänassilma, Saku vald, Harjumaa
Turu 2, Tartu
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Väike-Paala 3, Tallinn
Ventilation and cooling system
Veerenni 15, Tallinn
Räga 10, Tallinn
Sipelga 8, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Kadaka tee 134, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Niitvälja, Keila vald, Harjumaa
Ventilation and cooling system
Sipelga 6, Tallinn
Pärnu mnt, Tallinn
Meeliku tänav, Tallinn
Tööstuse 47A, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Muraste, Harjumaa
Punane 18, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Sipelga 6, Tallinn
Noole 8, Tallinn
Mahlamäe 10, Rapla
construction of ventilation rooms, cooling system and automatics
Tallinna mnt 2, Loksa
Cooling system
Keskuse 14 ja Räga 12, Tallinn
Taevavärava tee, Jüri
Sipelga 7, Tallinn
Estonia pst 10, Tallinn
Detailed planning and development activities of the residential area
Suur-Karja 10, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Kaiu vald, Raplamaa
Haabersti 5, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Panga küla, Läänemaa
Ventilation and automatics
Tuukri 42, Tallinn
Niine, Haapsalu
Ventilation and automatics
Sõpruse pst. 182, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Merivälja tee 5, Tallinn
Kevade 8, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Risti alev, Läänemaa
Ventilation and automatics
Tabasalu, Harjumaa
Pärnu mnt 153, Tallinn
Räägu 27A ja Vuti 75, Tallinn
Vilja 3, Muuga
Heating, ventilation and automatics
Luha 16, Tallinn
Ämari, Harjumaa
Ventilation and automatics
Rävala pst. 4, Tallinn
5-10 floors ventilation and isolation
Nõmme tee 8, Kuusalu, Harjumaa
2. stage ventilation and automatics
Läike tee 10, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Ämari, Harjumaa
Ventilation and cooling systems
Kaiu, Raplamaa
Tammsaare tee 118, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Kopli 102, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Haabersti 5, Tallinn
Ventilation and automatics
Sõpruse pst 182/184, Tallinn
Ventilation and automamatics
Alasi 6, Tallinn
Veerenni 52, Tallinn
Reconstruction of ventilation systems
Toompuiestee 37, Tallinn
Pirita tee 68, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Ämari, Harjumaa
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Aiandi tee 12, Viimsi, Harjumaa
Sõpruse pst. 170, Tallinn
Ventilation, automatics and cooling systems
Pirita tee 70/72, Tallinn
Ventilation, cooling, automatics, air drying and humidification systems
Kreutzwaldi 10, Tallinn
Papiniidu 10, Pärnu
Montage of ventilation rooms
Sõpruse pst. 172, Tallinn
Pae 19, Tallinn
Design of ventilation systems
Varese 8a, Tallinn
Ämari, Harjumaa
Ventilation, cooling and automatics
Põhja pst. 25, Tallinn
Paldiski mnt 108, Tallinn
Sõpruse pst. 257, Tallinn
Keskväljak 10, Kuusalu, Harjumaa
Ventilation, automatics
Viljandi mnt 17, Rapla
Ventilation, automatics
Pärnu mnt. 67a, Tallinn
Kadaka tee 76a, Tallinn
Ventilation and maintainence
Tallinna mnt. 14, Rapla
Cooling system
Paljassaare tee 35, Tallinn
Ventilation, automatics
Keskkooli tn. 2, Rapla
Ventilation, automatics
Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn
Sõpruse pst. 159B, Tallinn.
Ventilation, cooling system and automatics